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Girl's Mind


Welcome to my blog.This is a small little space for me to express my views on certain issues.. Please comment if u have any ideas or alternative views..

US Financial Crisis
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

this is a very sad case whereby US economy downturn affects the whole world.. Lehman Brothers, such a reputable organization declared bankrupt and caused a series of breakdown in many financial institutions, including AIG, banks and almost all the companies in the world due to falling share prices in Wall Street in the past 2 weeks.. Even the central bank of many countries stepped in to intervene to help to dampen the effect of the financial crisis..

A very good case study to be researched on..

How will the collapse of a company affects the world so severely? What really happened which brought about the collapse and eventually the worsening effect of the economy?

Sigh, this is going to be worse than Asian Financial crisis 1997-98, and it is compared and referred to as serious or more serious than the Great Depression by financial analysts and also economists..

writtern @10/21/2008 04:42:00 PM

Please Help the Victims of Si Chuan Earthquake and Myanmar Cyclone
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I am truly saddened by the incidents happened in Myanmar and Si Chuan, China which destroyed millions of families and lives. The cyclone in Myanmar and earthquake in China has caused an extremely huge loss of lives, assets and property. As I followed the news reporting the situation in these 2 countries, the livelihood of the victims are getting worse. It is going to be a lot of hardships for those who have survived through the catastrophe. Therefore, they need our support to pull through their most difficult times of their lives.

So please reach out your hands and give your help whole-heartedly.. Donate as much as you can afford to.. I have donated my money and old clothes to the Singapore Red Cross, have you? It is very convenient to make a donation now in Singapore, just go to any AXS machine and pay to the Singapore Red Cross. Be a humanitarian, help the needy now..

As a blood donor, I strongly encourage every one of the you who are eligible to donate blood to step forward and make donation for those who need blood in the hospital. It is not painful at all because anaesthetic is applied.. Trust me, I have donated 6 times within 2 and 1/2 years..

Thank you for the help.

writtern @5/20/2008 04:52:00 PM

I Miss You Guys!!
Friday, April 25, 2008

Oh time flies and everyone of us, SMKDPB class of 2005 , will be going to start our Uni life soon.. Some of us are oredy in University since last year.. Wow, we'll be having lots of doctors, dentists, Pharmacists, Biologists... Next time we shall open a hospital named SMKDPB Class 2005!! Haha..

Erm, for me, I'm waiting for interview calls from NUS Dentistry, but chances are slim cos 4 As is not enough for a foreign student to get in.. Anyway, I have received acceptance letter from SMU Business School, and went for interview for NTU Business School.. Most probably i'll be into business field.. Anyway, the Integrated Resort in Sentosa is goin to be launched one year before my graduation, so I'm going to work there?

I'm wondering how my friends in Pontian are doing? Are U guys fine? Recently I went back to JC to get an award, I was suddenly reminded of the scene of WU ZHI LIAN, when all of us put our best effort to put up a good show, when all of us are so united to achieve a common aim.. This spirit is what i couldn't find in when I'm organising event in SG here.. I don't know, maybe I'm still attached to the small little village which I've lived for years.. I miss the ambient there and the people there, especially my sweet friends and things we have done there.. My bicycle, my Taekwondo class, my tutors...

How are my Taekwondo team mates doing? I miss the time we spent for training, though it was tough, I enjoyed it very very much.. And the championship we fought together.. Wow, it was so enriching and fun!!

I think we shall meet up more frequently with our dearest friends and family when we go back to our lovely Pontian. Miss & Love you guys always.

writtern @4/25/2008 01:12:00 PM

My Handcraft Product!! Great personalised gifts!!
Friday, February 29, 2008

Here are my handmade gifts for my family members and friends.. I think i shall sell them.. personalised them for my customers would be a good idea..


writtern @2/29/2008 04:13:00 PM

Today is my 20th Birthday!! I'm no longer teens..
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today, 27/02/2008, is my 20th birthday and also the first day of ".."ty's life, i'm no longer "teens". Though it's a bit too sad to end my teens' year so early, i am very grateful that i have lots of wonderful friends with me all these years. Thanks my dear friends, for making my life so vibrant and meaningful.. No matter i met u in my early years of childhood, or during my busy secondary school life, i really appreciate u guys, for bringing colours to my life.. I would like to say a big thank you to u all, for compromising with me and my 'extraordinary' characters, laughter, and sometimes my sarcasms. I would also like to apologise for any hard feeling u guys felt while being with me, either it's due to my words or my actions.. Thanks to those who have told me about my weaknesses in the hope that i can change my bad habit/wrongdoings, i'm really grateful that u can tell me the truth, and for being my true fren..

Thanks for my friends who have remembered my birthday and send me ur sincere wishing, thank you.. If u do not remember, never mind, i know that u are busy making urself a better person, hope u will remember next year!! Haha.. I truly hope u guys have wonderful moments in the past, now and for ever, be happy and simple as i do, and have great health and future..

To all Dato' Penggawa Barat 2005 graduates,
I miss u guys and our happy memory in the past.

To my Taekwondo team members,
I miss the days we fought with each others and the championships we fought through.

To my Family members,
thanks for ur care and love, and the happiness we share.

To my NYJC and Singapore friends,
I enjoyed studying and playing hard with u guys, thanks for making my 2 yrs JC life so exciting.

Lastly, to myself,
Thanks for being such a wonderful and happy person in the past 19 yrs.

Happy Birthday!!
27/02/2008; 11:59pm


writtern @2/28/2008 03:58:00 PM

Give Him A Chance To Turn A New Leaf
Friday, February 22, 2008



Forgive him, though neither am i familiar with him nor i'm his fans, as he has expressed his apology truly and whole-heartedly. I've never seen him been so depressed. I think he had learnt his lesson and given himself the reasonable punishment. Give him a chance to turn a new leaf.

Edison Apology


writtern @2/22/2008 05:37:00 PM



陈冠希就是一个活生生的例子。有多少人不知道他一向以叛逆著称,又有多少人庆幸自己也拍过类似照片但不被恶意散播(包括其他艺人),但却有多少人肯诚实面对陈冠希其实也是凡人的事实、肯正视恶意散播照片的黑手的违法行为、肯承认拍照只不过是相中人的权利(当然必须是自愿拍照)呢? 如果自愿拍照记录人生也须遭千夫所指,那非法色情行业所属的“工作人士”(包括将色情自拍短片上载互联网的普通人)是否罪大恶极?

其实我们任何一个人都没有权力干涉或批评Edison的私生活模式,道理如同在没犯法的前提下,我们无权批评一对夫妻的相处模式,或一位同事的私生活, 因为各人有权利依喜好选择自己想要的生活方式。我们只能够在艺人的工作上给于建设性批评与意见,毕竟艺人卖的是表演和才艺,并不是私人八卦。



writtern @2/22/2008 05:14:00 PM

《文明社会 - 是吗?》




OS: 文明人们, 既然当事人都勇敢认错了,原谅这些人,给他们改过的机会吧,毕竟他们不是圣人。


writtern @2/22/2008 03:33:00 PM






writtern @2/22/2008 03:14:00 PM



人,是正常人的都有七情六欲,跟别说是连动物都有的性需要,差别只在于你是采取循规蹈矩或标新立异、 闭门造车或公诸于世的态度。



writtern @2/22/2008 02:33:00 PM